My lease is up September 1st.
Then I will be out of South Jersey, I'm not sure where, but wherever that "where" is won't be my little apartment that has housed me the past 8 months.
Upon this realization I decided I must make the most of my current location, allotting my time appropriately to studying, and, well...exploring.
Finals have begun and will continue through May 13th. In undergrad I remember finals with a sense of anxiety: a million papers to write, tests I was unprepared for, and a seemingly endless amount of projects that all needed to be completed within a matter of days. I don't feel nearly as anxious this go-about. Yes, I'll stress and study feverishly the next couple weeks...but the projects and papers are done, and I've been studying all semester...not much changes.
Since the last couple weekends were my last that I could take longer breaks from studying I took advantage of the free time and decided to go on a few adventures.
The first was to DC. A few friends from the program and I drove down and stayed in Alexandria, Virginia for the weekend. We went to DC for the Cherry Blossoms and saw great sights, ate delicious food, and tried funky bars along the way.
My favorite foods were DC chains "&Pizza" and "District Taco". We all know how I feel about pizza and Tacos.
We also got to walk around Old Town Alexandria Saturday evening and Sunday. It was a quaint little town, though I was almost too exhausted from muscling through the DC tourists to enjoy it.
So far, my outfits this spring have included (and basically been limited to) high waisted maxi skirts and crop tops. I didn't notice until cropping these photos that all three outfits were quite similar...
Here's one from DC:
Then I will be out of South Jersey, I'm not sure where, but wherever that "where" is won't be my little apartment that has housed me the past 8 months.
Upon this realization I decided I must make the most of my current location, allotting my time appropriately to studying, and, well...exploring.
Finals have begun and will continue through May 13th. In undergrad I remember finals with a sense of anxiety: a million papers to write, tests I was unprepared for, and a seemingly endless amount of projects that all needed to be completed within a matter of days. I don't feel nearly as anxious this go-about. Yes, I'll stress and study feverishly the next couple weeks...but the projects and papers are done, and I've been studying all semester...not much changes.
Since the last couple weekends were my last that I could take longer breaks from studying I took advantage of the free time and decided to go on a few adventures.
The first was to DC. A few friends from the program and I drove down and stayed in Alexandria, Virginia for the weekend. We went to DC for the Cherry Blossoms and saw great sights, ate delicious food, and tried funky bars along the way.
My favorite foods were DC chains "&Pizza" and "District Taco". We all know how I feel about pizza and Tacos.
We also got to walk around Old Town Alexandria Saturday evening and Sunday. It was a quaint little town, though I was almost too exhausted from muscling through the DC tourists to enjoy it.
So far, my outfits this spring have included (and basically been limited to) high waisted maxi skirts and crop tops. I didn't notice until cropping these photos that all three outfits were quite similar...
Here's one from DC:
You are unlikely to ever see me wearing a crop top if it's not paired with something high waisted. It's an optical illusion....
Top- Joyce Leslie $10
Skirt-Target $10
Shoes-Madden Girl (Amazon) $22.00
The past 2 weekends I explored Philly after Sunday Brunches. I want to see these cities in the daylight! Get to know them for more than the nightlife. I'm taking advantage of the $6.00 roundtrip train that leaves a couple blocks away from my apartment and takes me wherever in The City of Brotherly Love.
Top- Joyce Leslie $10
Skirt-Target $10
Shoes-Madden Girl (Amazon) $22.00
The past 2 weekends I explored Philly after Sunday Brunches. I want to see these cities in the daylight! Get to know them for more than the nightlife. I'm taking advantage of the $6.00 roundtrip train that leaves a couple blocks away from my apartment and takes me wherever in The City of Brotherly Love.
Top-Annie Sez $10.00
Skirt-H&M $10.00
& Yesterday for brunch, Reading Terminal Market, and China Town:
Skirt-H&M $10.00
& Yesterday for brunch, Reading Terminal Market, and China Town:
Top-Tobi $22.00
Skirt-Target $20.00
Skirt-Target $20.00